PictureHomemade Wine
The Great Pretenders
Have you ever heard the phrase, "Red wine with beef and white wine with fish?"

In high society where the pretenders had their noses stuck in the ceiling tiles this phrase used to be gospel in their social circles.  Then a miracle happened. Some of those very high society pretenders became winery owners and they found that any wine that tasted good was best served with anything.  Since they were the ones pushing their wines at shows and contests they pushed whatever they could to win the competition.  In time, most of them grew tired of the effort and the wine industry settled down to a more sensible endeavor.

New Breed of Wine Blenders
Many of the more prominent wineries run by the old world families held on to their core values which kept the industry from falling apart completely.  After a few years the old guard gave way to a younger generation who learned their craft from both their fathers and grandfathers plus had a yearning to go beyond the basics of the more stable line of wines.  Hence, the emergence of a new breed of wine blenders who weren't afraid of deviating from the old world traditional blends.

Soon, the market began to see new blends and a new generation of wineries sprang up all over the country.  Even the little Mom and Pop wineries with just 10 to 15 acres of vineyards were producing some amazing blends.

The Next Generation of Wine Makers
Gradually, the next generation of wine makers started to emerge.  Home made wine makers and microbreweries started to come out of hidding once the government relaxed the laws on how much homebrew could be made without having to pay the bottle tax.  Keep in mind that homebrew has been made for hundreds of years, however, the government refuses to waste its time on the 5 gallon brew masters as they want to make the big score on the Moonshine Stills in the back woods who are producing much larger quantities for private sale.

Today's Home Brew Master
Today, the home brew master is allowed to produce small quantities for personal consumption with family and friends plus they can exhibit their blends at many wine shows.  The large availability of wine making kits from Amazon.com and many other wine and beer supply distributors has allowed the number of homebrew masters to grow into a multi-million dollar industry.

The Rose' (pronounced rose-a) wines have favored greatly over the years with some amazing blends coming from the most unlikely microbreweries.  If you were to walk into a wine store today and ask for a Rose' the clerk will probably point you to a section of the store where there are several hundred bottles of different Ros'e blends.

The same can be said for the home brew master who is constantly experimenting with different batches and blends of wines.  The home brew master is never satisfied as they are always looking to tweak their recipes in hopes of developing the next winner and all of the bragging rights that goes with that big blue ribbon.

Andre Scolinie

P.S. You can read more about home micro brewing in some of my other articles at Best Home Micro Brewing and at Producing Red Wine with Concentrates.